Student’s Learning Experiences Aligned with GEMS Schools Vision

Challenger Team tailors personalized learning experiences that perfectly fit the GEMS Education model, complement its application,

and augment its outcomes to bring out the best in your students, staff, and managers. Our experts design customized learning activities and environments that revolve around your goals and future vision and facilitate their achievement.

We combine learning with exciting activities through interactive experiential programs for students and teachers, that involve indoor and outdoor programs, and are guaranteed to make the difference you aim for.

Challenger Team’s mission is to inspire youth and adults through exciting activities and memorable adventures that will hone their potential, equip them with in-demand 21st-century skills, and empower them to become the productive leaders and responsible citizens that our society needs. Challenger Team builds safe and supportive environments to establish confidence, inspire creativity, and motivate moral reasoning and critical thinking. Our mission is to change lives, nurture minds, and place our children on the road to becoming distinguished, resilient, and compassionate for a brighter future and a coherent, inclusive society.


Our Services

سيقوم فريق الخبراء لدينا بإرشادك في اختيار البرنامج المثالي لاحتياجاتك، وتصميم الأنشطة المناسبة لعمرك والتحديات المثيرة لتتناسب مع تفضيلاتك.

نحن نؤمن بأن تنمية الشخصية أمر بالغ الأهمية، ولهذا السبب تعطي برامجنا الأولوية لبناء الثقة والمرونة والمهارات الحياتية لدى كل مشارك.

Students’ Programs

For extraordinary learning experiences that change lives and enhance the student’s future opportunities in pursuing their dream career and having balanced, successful lives.

Teachers’ Programs

For extraordinary learning experiences that change lives and enhance the student’s future opportunities in pursuing their dream career and having balanced, successful lives.

Our Programs Promise To


Develop Leaders


Promote Collaboration


Increase Creativity & Innovation


Boost Interpersonal Skills


Boost Cultural exchanges


Boost Responsibility

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Improve Team Building Skills


Promote Collaboration & Teamwork

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Boost Communication


Increase Engagement

Our Partners & Affiliations

Our PRograms

Teachers’ Programs

Interactive learning with engaging activities

Unleash the creativity and hidden talents of your teachers and staff with innovative programs that enhance their confidence, communication skills, and problem-solving abilities.

  • All Programs Delivered On-Site and Off-Site.
  • All Programs Delivered Locally and Internationally.

Student Programs

Interactive learning with engaging activities

For extraordinary learning experiences that change lives and enhance the student’s future opportunities in pursuing their dream career and having balanced, successful lives.

  • All Programs Delivered On-Site and Off-Site.

  • All Programs DeliveredLocally and Internationally.

KHDA Approved

Our programs are licensed by KHDA (Knowledge & Human Development Authority – Dubai)

Challenger Team is licensed by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), Dubai Government. Our programs are elaborate, trialed, and guaranteed. Upon completion, participants receive attendance certificates which may enhance their profiles and CVs.